I'm trying to install Netscape and have run into a small problem. 
First what I've accomplished so far:

1: downloaded from Netscape - finally found out that I had to rename 
package to include glibc as part of name before install would work.
2: First time I tried to run got error -
 can't load libXpm.so.4 - archives told me to load xpm4.7 package
3: next error - can't load libg++.so.27 - archives again - this time 
load libg++27 package

(why weren't 2 and 3 picked up as dependencies by the installer?)

4: Now I'm stuck - I try to run Netscape (from an xterm so I can see 
the error) and I get back 'Bus error'. Looked through archives, but 
not much help there, some vague (and very old) info. Can someone 
please help me get this to run.

Next question - (just point me in the right direction on this) 
autodial - can it be done, if so how. (pon, poff, and wvdial are all 
working, although I have to adjust permissions for pon since 
currently it only works from root - don't know about wvdial I only 
tried it once from root, and it worked).

Third (and last for the moment). Is there any way I can get to the 
virtual terminals (alt-Fx) from inside Xwindow?

   Jan M.        -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Thought for the day:
    Let yourself be open and life will be easier.
    A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable.
    A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.
            -- Buddha 

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