
John Galt:
> > Most crypto is based on a similar setup to email,

Umm, no, cryptography is the art of writing messages that can only be
decoded by the intended recipient. Very little to do with e-mail.

If you have messages that MUST not get into hostile hands, I suggest
reading a good cryptography text (sorry, I'm not keeping up with it these
days; is `Applied Cryptography' by Bruce Sterling still the standard
reference?) or hiring a security expert, or both.

A program like PGP, properly used, can give you a reasonable trade-off
between security and convenience. However, depending on your requirements,
stronger encryption may be warranted (whether that means steganography or

Gary Singleton:
> dyndns.org to eliminate the dynamic IP problem.
> proftpd to provide "file transfer protocol" service.
> New ISP if yours is "hostile".
> Lotus notes for document revision control.

I'd suggest CVS for collaborative document revision control.


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