Unfortunately, I think this phenomenon is only going to get worse,
I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing ISPs start firewalling port 25

This action really bites those of us who *must* use more than one ISP,
and/or send mail from multiple sites and would like to decide where
followups go...

You've got (at least two) choices, since (iirc) you run sendmail:

  1) Use the ISP mailer for everything:
        define(`SMART_HOST', `smtp:xxx.ibm.net')
     you may also to need to define MAIL_HUB, but try this first..

  2) Use the mailertable to route all mail for primenet:
        .primenet.com   smtp:[xxx.ibm.net]      

I don't remember if the ISP side was included in the recent sale        
of networking to AT&T, maybe things'll change if so - but its 
anyones guess of which way ?!? 

Rick Nelson - he, still, of little to no net access, and problems to
close before I sleep

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