1.  go to the source section of your favorite Debian mirror

2.  for each package you want to recompile, download the *.orig.tar.gz,
     *.diff.gz and *.dsc
    NOTE: Not all source packages have the same name as the binary package
    they create. E.g. the c-client-dev package comes from imap.  Also the
    source package may be in a different section than the binar.  E.g.
    c-client-dev is in devel, imap is in mail.  Use the mirrors
    Packages.gz file to sort out what comes from where.

3.  if you haven't already, download and install the dpkg-dev package from
    devel to get the basic package building tools.

4.  run:

      dpkg-source -x whatever.dsc 

    This should give you a whatever directory.  cd into it.

5.  run (as root or using fakeroot, sudo etc.):

     debian/rules binary

cd up one level and if all has gone well you will see a .deb.  One problem
with the current Debian system is that there are no source dependencies so
you may need to experiment a bit to determine what exactly you need
installed for the build process to work.  (A good packager will have
documented this in debian/README.debian.

Also--and this is important!--DO NOT give out .debs created in this manner
to other people without changing the maintainer address in
debian/changelog to your address, bumping up the version number in
debian/changelog. (The usual practice is to use decimal numbers for
example if the debian package was 1.0-1, yours would be 1.0-1.1) and
signing the package with your PGP key.  Also you might want to notify the
Debian maintainer so he knows there are "pirate" .debs floating about out

Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You could still get the unstable source packages and build the deb
> from them.  Now I really wish I could figure out the damn details as
> to how to do this.  Any one care to explain?  I'm lost in a maze of
> manpages all alike.
> [dpkg-source -x? dpkg-buildpackage -b? dpkg-deb??  Red Hat makes this
>  so easy it's not funny.]
> -N.
> -- 
> "These download files are in Microsoft Word 6.0 format.  After unzipping, 
> these files can be viewed in any text editor, including all versions of 
> Microsoft Word, WordPad, and Microsoft Word Viewer."  [Microsoft website]
>            < http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~navindra/editors/ >
> ------------------------------

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