I've just installed slink from the Cheapbytes CD's with no problem, 
once I figured out 1 little detail.

Dselect at 1 point asks for the location of the non-free, non-US, and 
local branches. These aren't on the Cheapbytes CDs and you have to 
answer 'none', otherwise you get an error (I had originally been 
trying scan).


On 13 Apr 99, at 10:59,  Allen Wong 
 wrote about Re: Cheapbytes Debian 2.1:

> Mark Wagnon wrote:
> > 
> > Allen Wong wrote:
> > >
> > > Has anyone successfully installed Debian 2.1 from a Cheapbytes CD?
> > > I keep getting error messages with dselect stating that some of the
> > > packages are out of date and I need a newer version.  I am a newbie with
> > > Debian but not with Linux, having installed redhat and Slackware many
> > > times.
> > >
> > 
> Mark,
>     Is it safe to say that this is not because of my own stupidity?  I
> checked the files in the CD against the files on a Debian FTP site and
> the version numbers match.  Yet, dselect keeps telling me that netbase
> and a few other packages are not the right version.  I ignore it and
> tell it to install anyway, but it kicks out an "Error 1", I think,
> something about some script not being there.  I then press <return> and
> I am sent back to the main menu.  Ordinarily, I buy from LSL.  Are their
> Debian CDs better?  I bought from Cheapbytes this time because I wanted
> to try Stampede Linux too.
> > Allen
> > 
> > I have. I installed slink with them, but I don't remember any error
> > messages though. That was about a month ago, so who knows?
> > 
> > I do remember that I had bought some hamm cd-roms from cheapbytes, and
> > they gave me a lot of problems. Maybe the discs are messed up in some
> > way?
> > 
> > Since then, I've decided to live dangerously and use potato
> > --
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