On 13 Apr 99, at 15:34,  Wayne Topa 
 wrote about Re: Any way to convert Word 7 files:

>       Subject: Re: Any way to convert Word 7 files?
>       Date: Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 07:11:35PM +0100
> In reply to:Anthony Campbell
> Quoting Anthony Campbell([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On 13 Apr 1999, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > > I've a nasty feeling the answer is going to be  "no", but I wonder whether
> > > there is any way to convert or read a Word 7 file on linux?
> > > 
> > > Or do I have to borrow a Windows machine and convert it to txt?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > Thanks to all who replied about this. A lot of you suggested WP8 but I was
> > unable to get this to install, possibly because it doesn't work with kernel
> > 2.2.x.
> Humm, I guess the wp8 I'm running on 2.2.5 is a fluke?  Runs fine here
> tho.

Strictly a guess (I just downloaded and heven't tried to install 
yet), but WP needs libc5 (from what I read so far). If he only had 
libc6 installed then he'd have a problem.

By the way - is there an install package (like for Netscape), or 
should I just install into /user/local. Also, assuming no install 
package (obviously I haven't checked yet), does anyone know what 
packages I need for the requisite libc5 support?


> -- 
> Flon's Law:
>   There is not now, and never will be, a language in which it is
>   the least bit difficult to write bad programs.
> _______________________________________________________
> Wayne T. Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Thought for the day:
    To make judgements about great and lofty things, a soul of the same
    stature is needed; otherwise we ascribe to them that vice which
    is our own.
               -- Montaigne

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