There have been a lot of discussion on this "benchmark" on slashdot
( I had time to take a galnce and it seems that the
benchmark is biased. It seems they have done a very good tunning of the NT box
and a poor one for the linux box.

As a small exemple they have used a server with 4GB of RAM. NT could handle
it, but they claim taht linux (kernel 2.2) did recognize only 1 GB. I may be
confused but doesn't the new kernel support at least 2GB (I am sure I have
seen some VA research workstations with 2GB). What is the maximum linux kernel
can handle? 


Paulo José da Silva e Silva   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ph.D. Student in Applied Math. 
University of São Paulo - Brazil

"May the code be with you" :-)

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