On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 04:42:41PM -0700, Scott (sidewalking) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just took the time over last night and all day today to install Debian
> 3.0 from all 7 discs.  I went through and did the partitioning and base
> stuff right, and shut it down and rebooted, so I had LILO right at
> first.  I logged back in as root and went through the dselect options
> and added tons of stuff, but after stopping there and exiting through
> the proper menus, when I shut it down and rebooted, I must have done
> something to screw up the MBR, as this is what I got:
> __________________________
> request_module[block-major-3]: Root fs is not mounted
> VFS: Cannot open root device "303" or 03:03

My guess is you installed a 2.4.x kernel which requires initrd and
lilo.conf is not configured correctly to load the required
initrd.img or you forgot to rerun lilo before rebooting.

Check lilo.conf and look for lines like:


/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd.img will be symlinks to the kernel image and
its matching initrd.img. 

You may be able to boot the prior linux kernel. Try booting
"linuxOLD". If not try booting from CD and fix problem...or maybe try tomsrtbt
(http://www.toms.net/rb/). tomsrtbt FAQ includes an explanation on how
to run lilo using chroot.

> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS Unable to mount root fs on 03:03
> ____________________________
> the only thing I could get it to do was this message below the others
> when I hit "Return" once or twice:
> spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7
> so I am not sure if that is part of the error or I interrupted it by
> pressing Enter.
> I kind of "winged" this install, after reading lots of documentation,
> but the install options are usually pretty good about telling you what
> you should probably answer, so I kind of left things as the default
> whenever I didn't understand the question.  There were a couple of
> prompts near the end that talked about the MBR or LILO or something and
> I was a bad boy and didn't make a boot floppy.
> So, does anyone have any input as to how I can:
> a)  Get into the system to fix it, if possible, and
> b)  Fix it?
> I feel that my step will likely be to boot with the first install disc,
> but I don't want to mess up al that I have installed on there already,
> if possible.  Maybe that is the only way I will learn, though...  :)
> So, any thoughts are certainly welcome and appreciated (please)!  :)
> Thanks,
> Scott (sidewalking)


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