On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Small, Bradley wrote:

> Problem #1, I have a modem on Com1. I know I do because Bill Gates tells me
> I do when I run His OS. Try as I might I can't seem to convince Linux that
> it is there. I assume that I should be using wvdial and when it ran the
> configuration utility it said that it didn't detect any modem. So I read the
> man page and setup the wvdial.conf file. I pointed it to each /dev/ttySn
> 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 with no real difference except that 0 threw a
> different kind of error. Do I need o do something else to even have my modem
> there? Is wvdial the thing I need to be using anyway?

Com 1 = ttyS0  (could it be perhaps a Winmodem)  If so, you're out of

> Problem #2, I have a Canon BJ4300. Where do I even begin to get support for
> this?

Install magicfilter and choose the bjc600 (limited to 360x360, iirc).


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh                      http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

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