I had the exact same problem, I've also met several others with the exact
same prob but despite seeing this same problem on this mail  list about 4
times no one has been able to find the root of the problem. The way I got
around it was to manually add the isofs module. Find it (maybe from
another linux installation) put it on a floppy or mountable partition,
copy into /lib/modules/<your kernel>/fs/
edit /lib/modules/<you kernel>/modules.dep, run modprobe isofs
and try dselect again.  I think maybe there was a buggy image out there
that we got our CD from.        Good luck       marlon

On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, michele bigi wrote:

> Please,
> I have a PC with a IDE CD ROM. When I install DEBIAN 2.03 the dselect
> don't read the iso9660 filesystems. The filesystem isn't present on
> distribution?
> Can you help me?
> michele Bigi
> -- 
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