On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, rob wrote:

> Hello !
> I have problems with the card mentioned above. The driver for SMC
> etherpower II cards (I guess it's epic100) does not work. Please someone
> tell me if there is a LINUX driver for it or not. I would appreciate any
> help.
> Thanks

Please post more information, for starters, the output of:

$ dmesg|grep eth0
$ ifconfig
$ route -n
$ uname -a

You may also want to try the tulip driver.

from tulip.c:

This device driver is designed for the DECchip "Tulip", Digital's
single-chip ethernet controllers for PCI.  Supported members of the family
are the 21040, 21041, 21140, 21140A, 21142, and 21143.  These chips are
used on many PCI boards including the SMC EtherPower series.

The epic100.c file does mention support for the SMC etherpower II 9432,
but I'm not sure what the BTX means.  I would guess that this is the right
driver to use.



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