I recently switched our nis master server from AIX to linux.
There are still a number of AIX hosts that should be run as nis clients or
nis slaves.

How do non shadow password clients get the password entries?
How do I make it on AIX which doesn't have shadow passwords but a 
similar mechanism using /etc/security/passwd with a syntax linke this:

        password = mYfasd/89ßsx # this is not the right one of course
        lastupdate = 829567557
        flag =


Next problem: The net nis master runs slink. A slink client works after
shadow has been configured and +:::::::: added to /etc/shadow.
A client runs partly potato, and does not work, i.e. it won't accept nis
passwords. NIS itself appears to work, i.e. I can see the right owners of
directories, the homedirs are right, etc. Any known incompatibilities
between glibc2.1 and shadow nis?


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the "Plug" almost always works.            --unknown source

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