Nathan E Norman wrote:
> On 23 Apr 1999, John Hasler wrote:
>  : Greg Scharrer writes:
>  : > I am thinking about buying a 56k modem. I have a 28.8k modem. I know not
>  : > to buy a Winmodem. I have seen ads for ISA and PCI modems. Is one kind
>  : > better than the other?
>  :
>  : Multitech reportedly makes one PCI modem that is not a winmodem.  So far as
>  : I know all others are.  I'd stay away from PCI modems.
> This will be difficult in the future as the ISA bus disappears - many
> new PCs have no ISA slots at all.

That's okay, we can all migrate to external modems.

 "Das blinkenlights!!!"


The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their

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