I just put a system together, installed slink, installed AX5, and
everything was fine.  I upgraded to potato, and X still works, but when
I try to run Xsetup I get a segmentation fault.

On my main system I just stripped my operating system, which was slink,
and reinstalled that, upgraded to potato and then installed AX5.  The
installation went fine, but when trying to run Xsetup I got some missing
libraries errors, which I fixed by coping them over from the
aforementioned computer (is that a bad idea?)  and now I'm stuck on a
"Unsupport $TERM "linux"" error.  I'm switched it to vt102 and ansi but
always the same error.  This is all attempting to run Xsetup.

I was wondering if this actually is a potato problem or if its a
coincidence?   In either case I'd appreciate any help that someone could
offer.  This is all in an attempt to run gnome.  On computer number one
I actually built most of the libraries while it was still slink, on two
I wanted to save time so I went strait to gnome.  If there is an easier
method to get gnome working, I'm very open to suggestions.

Aaron Solochek

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