On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, Robert Vollmert wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 11:39:53AM -0500, Jor-el wrote:
> >     The what I would like to do is to use the monitor that I have as a
> > console for both machines A and B. Unfortunately, I cant accomplish this
> > via a CPU switch, thanks to the non-standard monitor cable (Aptiva S90)
> > that I have. I was thinking that maybe I could hook up B as using a serial
> > console, and connect the serial port to the serial port of A, and then
> > somehow get the stuff displayed on a separate window / tty on A.
> I'd suggest creating a small network using PPP over your serial ports
> (you would need a null-modem cable for this). You can then use telnet
> on A to work on B, and can even run X apps on B. There is a section on
> this in the PPP HOWTO (packages doc-linux-text or doc-linux-html).


        Thanks for the answer, but you misunderstood my requirement
entirely. The two machines are connected via ethernet already, and telnet
works perfectly. But this doesnt make the monitor of machine A act as a
_console_ for machine B.  For instance, how would you monitor the bootup
messages of machine B using the setup you described?

        I think the answer that Ralf Bergs has provided is more suitable.


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