Ries van Twisk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm running Debian with a 2.0.36 kernel.
> I want to upgrade my system to the following:
>       12..18Gb HD
>       DAT Tape Backup system 
>       SCSI card for connecting both.
> Witch SCSI card is best supported, and whitch DAT type is best supported?
> Where can I find the doc's on witch HF is supported under Debian?


Adaptec cards are everywhere, and are supported by everybody.  My
problem with Adaptec cards is that they are very sensitive to
cable troubles. I have replaced cables more times than I would
like to admit. If you do use an Adaptec card, use the very best
cables money can buy. 

Or you can use Mylex (aka Bus Logic) cards which are reputed not
to be so sensitive to cabling. Linux does support them. I think
Windows 9x also supports them, but someone else will have to
confirm that. 

-- David
Debian GNU/Linux Because software support should be free, timely,
                 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
                 (Hoping that this is all of the above)

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Ries van Twisk wrote:

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