So yesterday I finally decided to upgrade my machine to glibc2.1.  Well, the
upgrade of over 70 packages went very smoothly--many thanks, apt developers!

Anyway, after upgrading I ran into a problem while running dh_make.  Seems it
doesn't like some of the sed expressions in there, but I can't figure out why.
After typing in the kind of package I intend to make, 12 of the following
lines are printed:
sed: -e expression #1, char 16: Unterminated `s' command

By putting echo statements in various places the best I can tell is that the
messages are printed in response to at least the following line in the function
process_file()                 -e "s&#DOCS#&$DOCS&g" \

I've looked through the man and info pages for sed and cannot figure out what
is the matter.  If I isolate this line,  -e "s/#VERSION#/$VERSION/g" \
though, everything is fine.  And I've substituted slashes for the ampersands
in the problem line and still it doesn't help.

Then this morning I received a (long) error output from /etc/cron.daily/dwww
Apparently it is related, because there are many of the following lines
sed: -e expression #1, char 29: Unknown option to 's'
followed by the following:
Number found where operator expected at -e line 8, near "26 06"
        (Missing operator before  06?)
syntax error at -e line 8, near "26 06"
Bareword found where operator expected at -e line 8, near "s/DATE/Mon Apr 26
+06:25:07 /etc"
syntax error at -e line 8, near "s/DATE/Mon Apr 26 06:25:07 /etc"
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

And these seem to arise from the file /usr/sbin/dwww-build
One place that brings up the sed error is the following from the man_by_name
function in dwww-build:
                sed "s/LETTER/$i/g;s/TITLE/$DWWW_TITLE/g" \
                        $lib/man-begins-with.start \
                        > $tgttmp/man/byname/$i/index.html

Now for the big question :)  Does anyone know how I can get solve these
problems?  I am now running all the latest from potato.  I know this is a
long message, but I wanted to give enough information to be helpful.  And as
usual, if any more help or information is needed, I'll be glad to provide it.


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