On %M 0, Wayne Topa wrote
> I have found a problem when using the time command.  From the man page
> -o FILE, --output=FILE
> -a, --append
> So the command 'time -a -o log makebzImage' should log the time used
> to compile the kernel (in this example) to the file 'log'.  What is
> does instead is : bash: -a: command not found  Then reports the time
> when the compile completes.  Nothing is appended to the log file.
> the man page example: 
> The man page example: time -f "%E real,%U user,%S sys" ls -Fs
> returns: 
> bash: -f: command not found
> real    0m0.015s
> user    0m0.000s
> sys     0m0.020s
> My question is, is this a problem version of bash I have installed, 
> or is the time program slink installs just not working as advertised? 

You are running the bash built-in command 'time'.  Try running
/usr/bin/time instead.

Watch out for other conflicts between built-ins and real commands:
if you run csh on some systems, nohup and /usr/bin/nohup have 
significantly different behaviour.

Good luck,

John P.
"Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything." - Bill Gates in Denmark

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