Once upon a time  Rob VanFleet said...
> On Sat, Jan 04, 2003 at 12:09:59PM +1100, Cameron Hutchison wrote:
> [...]
> > . Changing font size and resizing xterm on keypress
> > 
> > In your .Xresources (or .Xdefaults), add this:
> > 
> > --- cut here ---
> > #define XTERM_RESIZE_TALL       "\033[8;64;80t"
> > #define XTERM_RESIZE_BIG        "\033[8;41;80t"
> > #define XTERM_RESIZE_STD        "\033[8;25;80t"
> > XTerm.VT100.font4:              fixed
> > XTerm.VT100.font6:              10x20
> > XTerm.VT100*Translations:       #override \n\
> >        ~Shift   <Key>F7:        set-vt-font(4) interpret(XTERM_RESIZE_TALL)\n\
> >        ~Shift   <Key>F8:        set-vt-font(6) interpret(XTERM_RESIZE_BIG)\n\
> >         Shift   <Key>F7:        set-vt-font(4) interpret(XTERM_RESIZE_STD)\n\
> >         Shift   <Key>F8:        set-vt-font(6) interpret(XTERM_RESIZE_STD)
> > --- cut here ---
> > 
> > This sets up xterm so that when F7 is pressed, the font is set to "fixed"
> > (font 4), and the size to 80x64. When F8 is pressed, the font is set to
> > "10x20" (font 6) and the size to 80x41. Shift-F7 is fixed/80x25,
> > Shift-F8 is 10x20/80x25
> I put the above in ~/.Xdefaults, but it doesn't seem to work for me. F7
> just prints "XTERM_RESIZE_TALL" to my prompt, and F8, while resizing the
> terminal and font, also prints XTERM_RESIZE_BIG.  

Perhaps you dont have cpp installed? It looks like the #defines are not
working, which are handled by running .Xdefaults through cpp. Otherwise,
you could just put the string directly in the interpret command:

    ~Shift   <Key>F7:        set-vt-font(4) interpret("\033[8;64;80t")\n\

I'm not sure whether this will work without cpp though - I think it may
convert the \033 to <esc> as well. Best to "apt-get instal cpp"

> Shift-F7 prints "
> 8;2~", doing nothing, and Shift-F8 also does nothing but print " 9;2~".

I'm not sure what's going on. Shift-F7 sends the string "^[[18;2~" to 
the terminal. I dont know why your translations are not working. You
dont have any spaces after the final backslashes on any of the lines, do

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