There are a few tool for linux, but as far as I know dia is the
only thing that it completely free.

You can get a very nice tool for Java and C++ (and OO Cobol ??)
modeling which is called 'Together' from Object International

This tool is 'free but limited'.  Which means that you can do
class modeling and code generation, but you cant do other stuff
like Use Cases, Sequence diagrams, etc. without a licence key
(half the price of rational at the moment).

There another tool called Lore which is from Elixir Technology
Pte (cannot remember where I got this from, check with or for tools written in java
and you should find it).  This allows you to do most of the
diagrams, but I havent figured out how to do some of them (or if
they actually work yet).  I dont know how much this costs and
you need to register for a trial licence (about a month or so).

Both these tools are written in Java and work fine on my machine
using jdk 1.1.7 (debian package).  They do use a bit of memory
though, but once running are as good if not better than most m$

Hope this helps.

Bernard de Rubinat wrote:
> You may want to try this:
> $ dpkg -s dia

> On Sun, Apr 25, 1999 at 01:11 -0400, Allan M. Wind wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Do you know of free modeling software for linux?
> >
> > I'm In particular interested in UML (Universal Modeling Language).
> > The standard is published at, maybe someone has done it or
> > working on it?  I know dia draws some uml diagrams, but I need
> > something more "project" oriented than "drawing" (more like Rational
> > Rose than Visio if you are familar with those vendors)
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