I've compiled a kernel and tested it using a 
floppy disk, everything worked fine except some
problem related with the system.map I guess, but
this is not what my question is about.

Then I wanted to boot the new kernel by simply 
adding a few extra lines to lilo.conf and run 
lilo. But now I realize that when I boot up the
syste, I dont get a "boot: " messagefrom where
I can choose which kernel to load, instead the 
system boots up the kernel it wants to !! I feel
like the lilo cannot make sense of whats in 

Does anybody have a working lilo.conf with a few 
extra options such as offering two+ kernels a 
boot time, thanks.

Fethi Okyar
Research Assistant
Computational Solid Mechanics 
MMAE Department, IIT
Chicago, IL 60616-3793


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