That's the address. Give it a click! It's not the prettiest web site for sure, and it's not nearly even cranked up yet... so beware the rough edges... they are sharp. But have a look. I'd like to get some good feedback. Criticisms and compliments, and everything in between. But all I ask is that you try to keep a positive focus. Negative emails, not intended to help this project move forward will be sent to /dev/null, otherwise known as he "bit bucket". (The unix geeks will understand that one :^) And I realize there are grammatical errors and typos all over it, and probably, even, *gasp* a few factual mistakes... but you are the review board... It's a joint effort. I'm developing this paper by an Open Development Model procedure. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, so get those comments rolling in, and if I incorporate your ideas, you can be assured you will get credit. And if I do forget to add credit where I might has missed something, let me know, I *will* correct it. :) I'm a firm believer in "Egoboo" the concept that you get a boost of ego, when you are given credit publicly for good works. Wish me luck. I plan on giving a presentation of this sucker in a powerpointish style format, (probably using GNUPoint :) at the upcoming USENIX/FREENIX conference in Monterey, CA, this coming June 6-11, 1999. :) It will be presented as either a "Work in Progress" (wip) or at an informal "Birds of a Feather Session" (BoF). But probably the latter. --Brock