> my question is this: i'm soon to be getting more ram, and i was
> wondering if there's a way to resize my swap to make use of it. i have
> 16 ram now, and my swap partition is about 32 megs. is it possible to
> make it bigger after i move up to 32-48 ram without messing with
> partitions again? i'm a relative newbie to this so if you reply please
> speak in simple terms <g>. thanks!

Why resize? When you going to be moving to 32M ram, linux will still be
making trips to swap. 
I'm running 32M physical, and have about 90M of swap. My base X system
(just X, no other applications running in it), goes for 20M alone(
1280x1024 at 16bpp). When I
use xemacs with it, I can still fit in 32M, but netscape+xemacs uses up
about 15M of swap space on top of 32M physical ram. 
ANyway, bottom line is, you dont need to resize your swap.
That memory will get used.

 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.

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