KDE and GNOME support

Since 0.51.0-3 there are two additional pacakges, wmaker-gnome and
wmaker-kde.  They install:

        /usr/bin/X11/WindowMaker-gnome [30]
        /usr/bin/X11/WindowMaker-kde   [20]

They are registered with Debian's alternatives system (the numbers in
brackets are the priorities used -- GNOME is in Debian, KDE is not)

PLEASE NOTE: I don't use GNOME and I don't use KDE.  That should give
you a hint as how wonderfully tested the packages are.  I'm providing
them because some people have asked me to.  If you submit a bug
related to either GNOME or KDE support, PLEASE use the proper Package:
field.  You have been warned.

The KDE package is compiled with --enable-kde --enable-lite.  I won't
make a wmaker-kde-lite package.  If -lite doesn't work properly,
please let me know.  But please keep in mind: wmaker-kde is meant to
_replace_ kwm, if --enable-lite is not used, KDE users will have a
very hard time.  (If you just want to use some KDE apps, I think you
better use the normal wmaker package)

| Hints (information given by applications to integrate well with the window
| manager) for Motif(tm), OPEN LOOK(tm), KDE and GNOME are also supported. 
| So you can replace any of the window managers for these environments with
| Window Maker while keeping most, if not all, of the native window manager
| functionality.

(that's from /usr/doc/wmaker/README.gz)

>From Window Maker's NEWS file (/usr/doc/wmaker/NEWS.gz)

--- 0.50.0


Added full support for GNOME and KWM hints. 
Read the INSTALL file to see how enable them.

Everything in the so called GNOME window manager bla bla bla pseudo-spec is

As for KDE stuff, it implements 90% of everything kwm does, adds some
Window Maker specific extensions to it and still uses half of the memory
kwm does, which should be enough to let you dump kwm ;) For details on what
exactly is implemented, see comments in src/kwm.c Read the README.KDE file 
for more information.

WARNING: Some KDE hints are badly designed, so doing things like using
kpanel's desktop switcher/pager and Window Maker's internal workspace
management functions to create, destroy and rename workspaces at the same 
time might cause unknown effects. To be on the safe side, only
use either of them to manage workspaces. Switching workspaces is hopefully,
safe, so you can switch workspaces from wherever you want.


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