On 1999-05-02 14:47, Anonymous Coward wrote:

> now i am getting very, very annoyed.  with all the talk about how stable
> etc. debian is then i try it and all the claims are invalid.

I would like to point out that mozilla is just one package out of the
2500+ debian packages available.  You are of course free to draw any
conclusion you want.

> first with the default everything on X etc. mozilla comes up with
> errors (actually they are X errors, like "error invalid ButtonX
> call" etc. you get the idea).  on mozilla also i can not hit enter
> in the location box to goto a page, i must do file:open.  so then i
> use dselect to get a newer version of navigator to see if it'll
> solve the problems i find out i have to d/l the archive i do that (
> i d/led ver. 4.51) and installed it etc. only to get an error about
> missing libraries when netscape starts up....

Communicator is made available by Netscape and they choose to depend
on certain libraries.  You're probably missing the xpm4.7 package
(well documented in the mailing list archives at http://www.debian.org).


P.S. I will advise a positive attitude for maxium support from the
     Debian community.
Allan M. Wind                   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor      Fax:    781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
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