Not to discourage you from using Netscape for E-mail or anything, but mutt is 
the best
(IMHO) for e-mail.  It can automatically encrypt and sign messages as well as 
public pgp keys sent to you in e-mail messages.  That my friend is a mail 
Yea, I know I sent this in netscape but I'm in school where they don't have 
Mutt also supports PGP 2.6.3a.  The only downfall I see in mutt is that it 
everything so automatic public key decryption in the receiving mail client fail 
auto-decrypt, so I've been told.  It also doesn't automatically decrypt 
messages or at
least I haven't found a way to make it do so..

Philip Thiem wrote:

> In the past I have always used netscape for email, pgp for encyrption.
> And I have manually encrypted the email, and attached it to a message in
> netscape.  I'm getting tried of this a
> bit, and I would like to know if there a plugin or program that would
> better intergrate the two under linux?    BTW: I'm using PGP 2.6.3a
> Philip Thiem
> --
>    All windows users evacuate the building!!!
>          (So I can install a better OS on the comps)
> Pass on the GAS get NASM instead.
> --
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