Hello everybody,

since a few days I'm experiences "hangs" when I leave my machine
for some hours. What exactly happens is that my mouse pointer doesn't move
anymore. By using the keyboard combi's in WindowMaker (both .51.2 and .53
have the problem) I'm able to close all programs and shutdown the x-server
with ctrl-alt-backsp. Starting X again then doesn't give any problems.

I've tried rerouting the messages x produces via the method of 'startx >
/tmp/x-msgs.tmp 2>&1' but that doesn't give any helpful info (none at all

My guess is that it isn't a problem of the X-server as much as it is of
the mouse-driver. I don't know however what I could have done to cause
this problem to arise, because I didn't install any new software (not to
my knowledge anyway) that could affect the x-server or mouse, nor have I
changed any settings.

Who helps out, please?

Paul Lemmens            Use the Force          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile:                Read the Source     www.student.kun.nl/paul.lemmens
"That young girl is one of the least benightedly unintelligent organic
life forms it has been my profound lack of pleasure not to be able to
avoid meeting." (The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, Marvin the
Paranoid Android)

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