See my message posted to the list on Monday; i had the same problem and
fixed it. Basically you have to do the same thing with xlib6g as you did
with glib. (that is, extract it from the .deb manually, put it
someplace, add someplace to soffice's LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
> Okay, I finally got around to trying your 'receipe'.  I picked up on a few of
> spelling errors, as noted below.
> Here are the errors I still get:
> SlimeCity:~$ cd Office50/bin/
> SlimeCity:~/Office50/bin$ ./soffice
> /usr/share/Office50/bin/soffice.bin: error in loading shared libraries
> /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __bzero
> SlimeCity:~/Office50/bin$
> Any idea why?  Do you know if anyone has made up a howto page yet?
> Wim
> -----------------------


eric Farris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microcomputer Support Specialist
Academic Computing
Frostburg State University

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