*- On  3 May, Havoc Pennington wrote about "Re: X eating all my memory!!"
> On Sun, 2 May 1999, Brian Servis wrote:
>> This is crazy!  Why is X taking so much memory?  This is the result of 
>> ps axmw trimmed to show only X and netscape(4.5glibc2). The machine has
>> only been up just under 2 days.
> Remember that applications can allocate server-side resources, such as
> pixmaps. Pixmaps are pretty big. So if an app is buggy and doesn't
> deallocate these things the X process can get largish.
> Not to say the X server isn't at fault, but it's more likely to be a buggy
> application.

More info.

Ok, this makes since.  But this behavior only started showing up after
I upgraded from Vincent's packages to Joey's
packages.  I run Matlab and have noticed that the apperance of the
figure windows causes the X memory to increase.  So either Matlab has a
problem that was being blocked by -0 packages and all previous X
packages back since '93 or something changed in -1.  

Now the problem is to trace it down. 

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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