On Sat, 8 May 1999, Lawrence Wickline wrote:
> As  I am a new user of Debian I have a couiple of Questions as to what
> apps to get . I am not a couplete newbie but am still very new ( I know
> how to use gzip and tar and can do most basic functions of a *nix
> system) Here is my dilema after searching though several different dists
> I have come to the conclusion that debian wins.

I always suggest it to people who are looking at installing linux.  I
myself have tried Debian, Slackware, and RedHat, and well, Debian Wins
hands down for me.

> Now I have a minimally configured box running WindowMaker and I need to
> find Replacement apps for my windows junk. Specificaly a Word
> Replacement ( I tried WordPerfect but the install blew up at the end)
> There doesn't seen to be a .deb package available for it for some reason
> in spike of the aliance between debian and corel (same is true for KDE
> but i like WindowMaker better anyway). Any Ideas?

There are a number of different Word Proccessing Packages out there,
seeing as you've tried Word Perfect, I'll skip that one (grin).  If you
just want to use basic word Processing, I would suggest Emacs (you have to
install it for a few packages, so why not get some use out of it?  BTW - I
myself don't like Emacs, so here's another option.  You could try (if
you've the HDD space), Staroffice.  It's pretty good, and it'll read a
large variety of formats, only problem - it's 120+ Megabytes of harddrive
space used...  Not as much of a problem as it might seem, but it is VERY
big in reference to most Linux Software.  There are many others, but I
haven't tried them.. I myself decided to switch from Windows, and Star
Office suited my right down to the ground...

> Also need something that will make .gifs (Gimp doesn't seem to do this)

Haven't found one yet myself...  I wouldn't mind a decent package... I'll
probably just wait until Wine gets better and run Paint Shop Pro...

> I need a good HTML code editor for debian (Been thinking I may just
> program macros in emacs but I don't realy want to)

Umm...  Ditto for me... I've tried all the Linux-Native HTML editors I
could find, and I think at present I'll stick with multi-booting this 
system and running my http design software under windows...

You might be interested in waiting a little yourself, at least until Gnome
gets fully off the ground, those packages are beginning to look VERY good.

> On a side note I will be needing a Database to connect a website to
> fairly soon. Any suggestions (I am leaning towards mySQL but I would
> like a GUI interface to work in if possiable)

Someone is ahead of you here, I do believe... There is a GUI interface for
it, but it's very cumbersome, and might be best handled at present from
the command line... I'm not sure if there is a Database package written
for Linux which has a decent GUI interface... though if you don't mind
buying commercial software, there is at least one... can't quite remember
it's name now (I'm a big help, aren't I?)

> P.S on a happy note
> I got Netscape to work Finaly!
> and TinTin++ rocks (please include it in a furture debian release. They
> are working on it again finally and I would love to be able to apt-get
> it as they improve it. Version 2 coming soom:)

Thats good to know... btw - what's TinTin++????

Hope this helps,
        Peter Ludwig

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