As root, chown 'em or chmod 666 'em.  Xauthority files are standard issue
in X. I have no idea why the perms and/or ownership got fouled up, but
chown/chmod is a quick fix.  YMMV but not by much

On Sun, 9 May 1999, Pollywog wrote:

> I installed KDE 1.1.1 on my Slink system and found I had to install xdm in
> order to install kdebase.  This is where my problems began.
> Using update-rc.d, I removed the links that start xdm when the machine starts.
>  That way, I can start the machine and get a plain console with no xdm.
> The problem is that something keeps putting .Xauthority files in my directory,
> and that should not be a problem, except that they are owned root.root and
> until I remove them, I cannot start X because I get either an error about
> being unable to lock the file, or an error about being unable to write to the
> file.
> What might be the cause of this anomaly?
> thanks
> --
> Andrew
> [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
> -- 
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When you are having a bad day, and it seems like everybody is trying to
tick you off, remember that it takes 42 muscles to produce a frown, but
only 4 muscles to  work the trigger of a good sniper rifle.

Who is John galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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