You moron, stop sending trojans over the mailing list that's not funny.

For those of you that downloaded that program and got the nice fireworks
display you also got the trojan implanted on yours system. What it does is
extract certain files to the system directory and attaches a copy of itself
to every message you send out. To get rid of it delete ska.dll and ska.exe
in the system directory, it also does something to one of the winsock files,
I cant remember which. it like copies its own in and renames the old one
with either a .ska or a .old extension or possibly another. There a few web
sites showing how to get rid of it.
Paul L. McNeely ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ# 1305664
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----- Original Message -----
From: Alexander Gutfraind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 1999 4:19 PM
Subject: wav > mp3

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