On Sun, 9 May 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

>     Hi all,
>     a friend of mine is buying a K6 and want to know if the following
> especification run on Linux.
>     Thank for any information,                            Paulo Henrique
> PIO Mode from 0 to 4 and Ultra DMA/33 at mode 1 or 2

 You don't say what model of motherboard this is, or what chipset the IDE
controller is. Most but not all Ultra DMA chipsets are supported.


 Ray Ingles         (248) 377-7735          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Anybody who has ever seen a photograph showing the kind of damage that
  a trout traveling that fast can inflict on the human skull knows that
  such photographs are very valuable. I paid $20 for mine." - Dave Barry

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