> > I don't know if this will help, but I encountered problems myself with
> > update-menus, being unable to add menu entries for certain packages.  
> > However
> > I was able to manage a workaround by prefixing the package name with a
> > "local."  For example:
> Right!!  I found this out at 2 AM this morning!
> Two kudos tho, it works here in only /etc/menu or ~/.menu.
> It doesn't seem to work in /root/.menu.

Just a thought... does your root account have the $HOME env variable set?
update-menus uses that to find the .menu dir 

It almost sounds like update-menus isn't reading your packages file
correctly.. The "local." makes update-menus skip the check on whether the
package is installed. Apparently it's reading the menu file correctly, but
it cannot figure out whether the package is installed or not.

Try this:
dpkg --get-selections|sed -e 's/[ \t]*\\(install\\|hold\\)$//p' | grep "tcd"

If it doesn't show anything then something's really wrong......
Andrew Chung                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
See http://anderoo.dhs.org/~anderoo/pgp.html for PGP key

It's a sin only if you dwell on the what ifs and the but ifs

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