When you enter "parameters" you must also include the kernel name. such as
"linux" (I cant remember if that is the name used on the install floppies)


LILO boot: linux [parameters]

On Tue, 11 May 1999, John wrote:

> I have a spare machine onto which I am trying to install 2.0 r3. The machine 
> has
> a 
> Pentium MMX166 processor, two hard drives (one 426Mb with DOS 6.2 and W3.11:
> the other 1.1Gb empty and available for Linux), 32Mb FPM physical RAM, 1.44
> Floppy,
> 32x CD-ROM Drive, an S3 Virge/DX(PCI) Video Card and an SB compat Sound Card
> the Monitor is SVGA.
> The Motherboard is TX/1 and the BIOS Award which supports CD-ROM booting, both
> Hard Drives are on the Primary and the CD-ROM is Master on the Secondary.
> I have little computer experience (although now reasonably knowledgeable with
> W95), 
> am new to DOS and a complete newbie with Linux - also I'm old. I've turned to
> Linux 
> for interest and to avoid these persistent 'blue screens' on the main machine.
> I possess two sets of distributions acquired with Samms introductory book and
> Encyclopadia and can install RedHat and SuSE, but not Debian which may well be
> the distribution best suited to me. Both the InfoMagic and Linux Mall discs 
> are
> of
> the same version and each gives identical results.
> Booting direct from the CD-Rom Drive loads Root.bin and Linux, but whatever I 
> do
> at 
> the boot prompt puts me into a continual rebooting cycle. I've tried all the
> parameters
> referred and alluded to in the help files and books. A straight <enter> goes 
> to
> reboot 
> (after some uncompressing too rapid to read). Adding parameters results in
> 'can't
> find kernel'. 
> I've created floppies from files downloaded from ftp.debian (RSC1440.bin,
> DRV1440.bin, Base-1.bin to Base-5.bin and Root.bin). Booting with RSC1440.bin
> in the floppy drive puts me into the same automatic rebooting cycle and no
> parameters
> work - the 'can't find' message is displayed. I getthe chance to use only one
> disk.
> Can anyone, kindly, explain what I'm failing to comprehend or what I'm doing
> wrong. 
> I would appreciate help (otherwise I may be stuck with Mr Gate's water
> torture!).
> Incidentally, to check if some machine fault has developed, I've again booted
> SuSE 
> from the CD-ROM Drive and I got direct to the installation program. 
> John.
> -- 
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                     Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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