My girlfriend just bought a laptop.  On first booting it,  it asked if
we'd like to set up the hard disk for Windows95 or Win98.  She'll need to
dual-boot 95 and Linux,  so we let it install Win95,  which it proceeded
to do _without_ asking for a Win95 cd.

        I booted it from the 2.1 CD,  and ran cfdisk.  It's a 4.something
gig drive,  which has 3 partitions:  a 2gig one,  another 2gig one,  a
162.5 gig one,  and 7 megs of free space.  The 162.5 gig partition (which
we'd like to delete) shows up as partition type A0 in cfdisk.

        Looks to me like the company (AST) copied the Win95 cd into that
partition,  and that's how it did that crazy install-with-no-disk thing.
Does anybody know if that's possible?  Or know what partition type A0
really is?


|                                |
|    PGP Public Key:    |
|           You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked          |
|                  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...              |
|                 --The Barenaked Ladies,  "Blame It On Me"              |

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