
I have troubles using the keypad in rxvt. I used the .deb file to install
rxvt, so the setting ought to be the default ones (although i have to
admit I installed this Debian slink system while keeping my old /home
partition). Delete & Backspace keys work 'normally' though.

The odd thing is, when I execute do:

intra:~$ reset
<--- screen cleared --->
Erase is delete.
Kill is control-U (^U).
Interrupt is control-C (^C).

After this, the keypad DOES work. Anyone with a clue as why this happens &
how I can make the keypad work without "reset"? (For the moment I have it
in my .profile :))

-- nico

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--------------------------------------------------
--:: scratch at ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be ::-----------------
  ::                                               ::
--:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Linux - Free power for the masses ::::::: 

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