I just installed mod_perl and ePerl from slink today, and am having
problems configuring ePerl (Apache is also from slink).

I have added the following to access.conf;

    PerlModule Apache::ePerl
    <Directory /var/www/nelson>
    <Files *.epl>
        Options +ExecCGI
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
      $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'BeginDelimiter'} = '<?epl';
      $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'EndDelimiter'} = '?>';
      $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'CaseDelimiters'} = 0;
      $Apache::ePerl::Config->{'ConvertEntities'} = 1;
as suggested by the Apache::ePerl docs, and it works some of the time.

If I comment out the PerlModule... line and the <Perl>...</Perl>
section then it works all of the time, otherwise apache dies almost
immediately after I've started it up with /etc/init.d/apache start, or
/etc/init.d/apache reload. Nothing of any relevance appears in

Any ideas? This is driving me nuts!



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