J Horacio MG wrote:
> I usually download mail from my ISP by running the following command as
> user horacio:
> $ fetchmail -v -a -u my_id
> and I just created a script with that line and named it
> /home/horacio/getmail:
> ----- start getmail -----
> #!/bin/sh
> fetchmail -v -a -u my_id
> ----- end getmail -----
> and gave it executable permissions(0777):
> 1 -rwxrwxrwx   1 horacio  horacio
> This works providing I run it like:
> $ ./getmail
> but how can I make it ran as a normal command (without "./").

I place my Perl scripts in /usr/local/bin.  I would think that would
work for you.  I can't help you with the next one:(

> Also, I created another script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/:
> ----- start script -----
> #/bin/sh
> fetchmail -f /home/horacio/.fetchmailrc -a -u a4608456
> runq
> ----- end script -----
> named it 02fetchmail, and gave it the following permissions:
> 1 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root
> so that it fetchs mail from my ISP at connection, but this one doesn't
> work at all... what's wrong with it?  I too have another two scripts in
> the same directory:
> ----- start 01sendmail -----
> #!/bin/sh
> # Flush exim queue
> if [ -x /usr/sbin/exim ]; then
>         /usr/sbin/exim -qf
>         fi
> ----- end 01sendmail -----
> (actually, this is just the default exim script renamed), and:
> ----- start 00time -----
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/sbin/rdate -s slug.ctv.es
> /sbin/hwclock --systohc
> ----- end 00time -----
> I think these two work (don't really know for sure).
> Horacio
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