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David R. Kohel wrote:
> The x probe output is below.  I'm using the SVGA server with a
> Neomagic card.  
> The cursor appears as a large square with upper left hand corner 
> at the mouse point, replacing the normal arrow symbol.  I've got 
> no other problems with the xserver.
> If anyone has seen this and has a fix I'd appreciate it.  

It is probably due to a bug in the new X server.  Try doing a search on
<http://www.deja.com/> to see if anyone else has the same problem.  As a
workaround, you can add a line saying

Option "sw_cursor"

to the "Device" section of your /etx/X11/XF86Config as a workaround.  You
should probably submit a bug report on xserver-svga (man bug) if it hasn't
been done already.  Include all the detail you included in your second
posting here.

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 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

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