Hi all...

I'm running a full Potato system (2.2.9 kernel).  Tonight, for the first 
time, I got an error I've never seen before in the 4 years I've been running
Linux full-time.  I'm hoping this is bug in Potato and not something more
serious with my system.

The error popped up when Debian was doing it's nightly housekeeping
in /etc/cron.daily ...

EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 1024
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 2048
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 3072
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 4096
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 5120
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 6144
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 7168
EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,69)): ext2_readdir: directory #4148 contains a 
hole at offset 8192

3,69 is the /dev/hdb5 partition on my hard drive which is mounted on /usr.  I
presumed the directory #4148 referred to an inode.  So I did an
'ls -lRi |less' to see if I could figure out where the problem was.  I tracked
it down to the directory /usr/share/texmf/omega/plain/config.  I confirmed
it when I tried to 'ls' on the directory and got the same error as above.

Is this a bug in Potato TeX package or a problem with my system?  How do I
fix it?  Is it safe to rmdir that directory and recreate it?

TIA for the help.

        bob billson       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ham: kc2wz
   (\                                /)
  {|||8-   beekeeper ...3 years   -8|||}     Linux!  Because there is
   (/    60,000 head of livestock    \)              no place like $HOME.
"CIA terrorist NSA bomb spy KGB drugs nuclear agent war GCHQ... Hi Echelon!"

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