Someone suggested I remove .wp8x.set and then try running WordPerfect.
Once I did this, I still had the problem. Any other ideas? I've had
WordPerfect running on Debian 2.1 before a system reinstall, but mow it
won't 'just work' like it did last time.


On Mon, 17 May 1999, Alec Smith wrote:

> Every time I try to start WordPerfect as a user, I get the error "Unable
> to open /home/sweetin/.wprc/.wp8x.set" The file is there, and is zero
> bytes long. However, I can start WordPerfect as root and it'll work just
> fine, with no errors during load. I tried copying root's .wp8x.set file to
> the user directory, changed its ownerships, and still no luck.
> Any idea what to try?
> Thanks,
> Alec 

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