On Tue, 18 May 1999, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
>    Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 00:38:32 +0200 (CEST)
>    Wim Kerkhoff writes:
>     > A couple of days ago, the power went out.  Now, when I boot into potato,
>     > the boot procedure sticks on "Parallelizing fsck version 1.14
>     > (9-jan-1999)".  So, I booted of a Hamm rescue cd and ran e2fsck a couple
>     > of times on my root partition.  The first time it fixed a slew of
>     > problems.  However, it still won't boot properly.  If I do a Ctrl-C 
> during
>     > while it sits at the 'parallelizing' line, it does mount the root
>     > partition as read only, but that prevents me from logining in, and the
>     > services don't start.  
>     > 
>     > What do you suggest?  What do you think went wrong?
>    This reminds me of Bug#35595.  Brent, did you finally attempted to
>    strace ?  Wim, can you have a look at the last mail exchanges in this
>    bug report, and try to provide me an strace log ?

I am not very familiar with mail exchanges related to bug reports; how do
I check that? How would I send get an strace log, if I can't even login? 
Well my problem happened 12 days ago, and since I hadn't
gotten any replies, I spent last weekend installing debian onto an empty
partition I had kicking around. This was a lengthy process, because the
only Cd's I have are a year old (2.0) and I in order to get back to potato
i had to re-download 150MB worth of packages over a 56k connection.  It
may have been worth it; I had a lot of cruft collected because of trying
so many different packages out, I had 70% used up of 3GB on the old
partition, now I have only 300MB used.  I may just dump the old partition
and split it up into a /home, /usr, or something like that.
> I think I know what's going on.  Check and make sure /dev/null exists
> and is a device file.  If it isn't e2fsck will hang in a loop in
> reserve_stdio_fds().  This fix is obvious; if open of /dev/null returns
> -1, print an error message and break out of the while loop.
>                                               - Ted

Why would this have happened all of a sudden?  A bad package in Potato?
Would it have anything at all to do with the power going out?  I'm not the
one to fix the code (yet).  Does this have anything to do with Linux
caching stuff in memory and not writing to disk right away like other OS's

Thanks for replying!

Wim Kerkhoff

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