Take a look at /var/yp/Makefile on your NIS server. There's a variable in there:


Which defines the group id below which entries will be ignored. The dialout 
group is
20 and this is probably lower than the MINGID in /var/yp/Makefile. You can 
MINGID and re-make or create a new group (above MINGID) and assign this group 
to all
the dialout devices on all the machines.

"Stephen A. Witt" wrote:

> I've just set up NIS on a small group of Debian machines with one NIS
> server and the rest as clients. Everything seems to be working fine, with
> one small exception. Most of the users need to be able to use minicom or
> kermit to connect as a dumb terminal to some devices in our lab and so
> I've added them to the 'dialout' group in /etc/group on the NIS server.
> These changes aren't being propagated by the NIS server to the clients
> however. I've tried a couple of different things in the /etc/group files
> on the clients to fix this but haven't been successful yet. This is all on
> slink by the way.
> The first configuration was with a group file on the client exactly as it
> comes out of the box from a Debian install, with the addition of the
> '*:::' as specified in 'nis.debian.howto.gz'. The only groups I see on any
> of the clients are :
> % ypcat group
> users:*:100:
> nogroup:*:65534:
> I then tried 'group' with just '+:::' in it, nothing else, hoping that it
> would pick up all the groups (including the default groups) from the
> server, but it didn't change. I got the identical results as above.
> So, do I have to edit all of the group files on the clients and add the
> users to the dialout group? I hoped that NIS would take care of this for
> me.
> Thanks...
> --
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Jens B. Jorgensen

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