Bruno Boettcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> on a machine i administer i have a 100M partition for var, and since some time
> now it fills up blocking the mail transfer done wtih qmail....
> if i look into this partiton i see that the logs take 60M of place, which
> seems excessive...

It definitely is.

> now where do i configure logrotate to specify less backups, and where do i
> reduce the verboseness level of qmail??
> further qmail produces 2 files which are identical eating up valuable
> ressources for nothing:

This is normal for exim as well; one file contains headers and the
other the text.

> logs appear in and mail.log..... how do i stop that?

You really should find the real problem before you try changing
logging.  Try something like the command 'find /var -xdev -size +5000k
-print'.  This will print out the names of all files more than 5MB
(there probably shouldn't be any).  Then look into the file and see if
there is some statement that is repeated excessively.  You probably
have something mis-configured so that an error message is constantly
being logged, possibly multiple times per second.  If you can't figure
out the message, then come back and somebody will probably be able to
help you.

Carl Johnson            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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