To those who were (or weren't) having the same problem as me (PPP freezes in kernel 2.2), I found the answer after talking with Clifford Kite on comp.os.linux.networking (he didn't suggest it, though, he just prompted me to get on with the diagnosing):

The modem UART type wasn't set right. On boot, the kernel (2.2) reported ttyS2 to be a 16550A type, which was correct. However, the 0setserial script decided to set the UART type to whatever it was just underneath the manual configuration area (can't remember at present). So, if you've got a problem with PPP freezing under a 2.2 kernel, check your UARTS!!

To see if it works for you, do a 'setserial /dev/ttySx uart 16550A', with 'x' being whatever your modem is. Everything will go back to normal on reboot.

Anyway, I'm off to reinstall; I kinda messed everything up while I was messing about with everything :-)

  A very happy "uebergeek" Kris :-)

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