"Jens B. Jorgensen" wrote:

> I don't know if anyone's come up with a slick way to do this. I too would 
> like to have such a thing at my disposal. You might be able to do something 
> like this by just running dhcp and then checking to see if dhcp succeeded in 
> getting an address and starting diald if it didn't.
> Good luck,
> Justin Hagemeier wrote:
> > I have a laptop with three possible network configurations that I would 
> > like to use.
> >         1. Ethernet 10 Mbps DHCP-sv
> >         2. PPP daild
> >         3. None at all
> > is there any suggestions on tools for configuration techniques for this 
> > kind of setup. It looks as if I could do it if one of the init.d scripts 
> > sniffed out the PCMCIA to see if there where activity, then if there was 
> > not it would start daild instead of DHCP.  I have no idea where to begin on 
> > such a thing though.  Any thoughts?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Justin
> --
> Jens B. Jorgensen

Would anybody like give some input on developing this?  I was thinking about 
using ifconfig in a script to temporarily configure the networks so that it 
might "feel" for a network pulse over the ether net.  If no pulse is felt then 
it will start daild, otherwise it would start dhcpcd, then make a script called 
net-switch that would
allow you to stop dhcpcd and start daild on the fly or vice-verse.  The problem 
with accomplishing the net selection with DHCP is that the boot script will 
just hang if it can't find an address, and I have never been patient enough to 
wait for it to time out(if it does at all).  I asked if anyone had done it 
because I did not want
to go around re-inventing the wheel.  Tell me what you all think.

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