On Tue, 25 May 1999, Wolfgang Fink wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> so please, can anybody help me to unsubscribe from this
> mailing-list ?
> I have tryed almost everything with my Netscape 4.5 -
> Browser und Mailtool.

> Unsubscribe?  
mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

This line, typed in exactly, will get you unsubscribed from the list. 

Canned Explanation:

The bit of geek speak that ends all messages from the debian
user list: 

    mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

says how to unsubscribe. 

This means: To unsubscribe you must send mail with subject line
conataining only the word:
to the address:
with empty message body ( </dev/null ). The one non-obvious thing is
the request part of the name for changes. Sorry about that.


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                 useful, technically accurate, and friendly. 
                        (Thanks guys!)

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