Max <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I wanted to add my local teTeX sty files, where on the system is
> the proper Debian place to put them? 

I presume you have standard TeTeX on your system. The file
/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf controls where TeX finds the files it needs.

E.g. my texmf.cnf mentions
TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/lib/texmf/local

This location is however a symbolic link to /usr/local/lib/texmf.

Therefore, I store my local LaTeX files in  /usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex
and my .bib files in /usr/local/lib/texmf/bibtex/bib.

The texmf.cnf file mentions also a place for personal files:

So, you can e.g. store LaTeX files in ~/texmf/tex/latex/

Paul Huygen

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