On Wed, 26 May 1999, Armin Wegner wrote:

> On Wed, May 26, 1999 at 02:23:34AM -0500, shadowze wrote:
> > Is there a way to stop the boot process before xdm starts?
> > If not I guess I will have to reinstall.
> > 
> > Im on the digest and not on USER so make sure Im cc:'d.
> > Thanks in advance.
> Hi Robert,
> you can press <Control>+<ALT>+<F2> to switch from X to the console.
> Press <Alt>+<F7> to go back.

You can also use CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to shut down X

When you are back at a text console:
  "/etc/init.d/xdm stop" will stop xdm
  "rm /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm" will remove the link that causes xdm to start up
        (assumes your default runlevel is still "2")

There should be no need to reinstall unless crucial files have been
lost; and even then it may be best to use "dpkg -x" to unpack the .deb
and get at just the file(s) you need, instead of replacing everything
(including any tweaking you may have done and want to keep).

- Bruce

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